Markiert: Critical Resources

Workers‘ Voice in Platform Labour – An Overview

An interesting study on platform labour and platform capitalism, authored by Heiner Heiland and published with the support of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation: Abstract: This study documents various forms of worker representation and attemptsto establish...

Measuring the Cooperative Economy

The University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (UWCC) works on a project to explore, map and visualize the landscape of cooperatives in the United States. Take a look at these interesting maps and datas...

New Publication: Postmoderne und Poststrukturalismus in der Organisationsforschung

Mein Beitrag für das Handbuch Organisationssoziologie (hrsg. von Maja Apelt, Ingo Bode, Raimund Hasse, Uli Meyer, Victoria V. Groddeck, Maximiliane Wilkesmann und Arnold Windeler) zu Postmoderne und Poststrukturalismus in der Organisationsforschung ist nun Online: Abstract Der Beitrag diskutiert den Einfluss...