CfP: Moral Struggles in and around Markets, 11.-12. November, Neuchatel (Schweiz)

Another interesting workshop. Here is a short extract from the call:

Economic activity is always “morally embedded”. Adopting a sociological view of mo-rality as historically and socially located norms and beliefs about what is right and wrong, good and bad, worthy and unworthy, a number of studies have investigated how ethics and economic activity intermingle (Fourcade/Healy 2007). That markets are “the theater of a morality play” (Fourcade 2013: 620) becomes especially visible in moments of moral struggles, where different moral views on market exchanges clash. […] In this workshop, we want to bring together a range of researchers who have been studying “morals and markets” with divergent theoretical perspectives. Indeed, contributions to the role of morality in markets have come from different disciplines and research fields who rarely engage with each other. Aspects of market morality have been ad-dressed, among others, by economic sociologists studying market boundaries or pro-cesses of valuation; by organization and (critical) management scholars studying corpo-rate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship; by social movement scholars studying the contentiousness of markets; or by anthropologists studying the meanings of economic exchanges and moral economies. We believe that in order to advance research on the moral embeddedness of markets, it is crucial to bring together this variety of dis-ciplinary perspectives. Thus with this conference, our aim is to bring researchers to-gether who already study moral struggles and processes of market moralization but without necessarily referring to the research category of morality. In particular, we seek to deepen our understanding of morality in markets in three directions.“

The workshop will take place at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Institute of Sociology, on November 11–12, 2016. The deadline for all abstract submissions (max 500 words) is April 30, 2016. Final papers should be sent by October 15, 2016.

CfP Moral Struggles in and around Markets_Neuchatel

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