Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Organization: Decolonising Management and Organisational Knowledge

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Organization
Decolonising Management and Organisational Knowledge

Deadline: 30th November 2019

Guest Editors
Nimruji Jammulamadaka (IIM Calcutta, India),
Alex Faria (FGV, Brazil),
Gavin Jack (Monash University, Australia),
Shaun Ruggunan (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)


„This special issue focuses on decolonising management and organisational knowledge (MOK), a vital and  timely  endeavour. The contemporary  globalised  world  is  experiencing  new  and  continuing conditions of coloniality/decoloniality (Mignolo & Walsh, 2018) organised by forces of transnational capital and the nation-state on the one side, but counter-balanced by resurging, insurging peoples and scholars on the other. The nature and momentum of these axes of neo-colonial power and decolonial praxis-theory (Mignolo & Walsh, 2018) has led Mbembe (2016: 36) to observe that the “decolonizing project is back  on  the  agenda  worldwide”. Decolonial conversations set out to both critique the
“dominant Eurocentric academic model” and “imagine what an alternative to this model could look like” (Mbembe, 2016: 36).  „


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