Call for Sub-Theme Proposals – CMS Konferenz in Leicester, 8.-10. Juli 2015

Bis zum 1.September 2014 können für die CMS Konferenz in Leicester Vorschläge für Streams eingereicht werden. Das Leitthema: „Is there an Alternative? Management after Critique“. Hier ein Auszug aus dem Call:

The theme of this conference invites contributors to explore alternatives to the ubiquity of neoliberal market managerialism in all its many guises.  Critical Management Studies has been effective at mounting a critique of various elements of managerialist ideology, but less effective at exploring and promoting different ways of thinking about organizing and markets. This begs questions of the purpose of critique in itself and the possibilities that may follow from critique. Critique might thus be positioned as an activity of articulating and enabling the possibility of alternatives, especially when those in power try to bolster their own interests by insisting there is only one singular and inevitable course to follow.

Zum Download: call for stream proposals – CMS 2015 final

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