Call for papers Sub-Theme 05: Organizing Resilience: In, Against, Despite and Beyond Capital, LAEMOS 2018, Buenos Aires, March 22-24

Call for papers Sub-Theme 05: Organizing Resilience: In, Against, Despite and Beyond Capital, LAEMOS 2018, Buenos Aires, March 22-24


Ana C. Dinerstein

Luciana Ghiotto

F. Harry Pitts

Patrizia Zanoni

*Deadline abstract submission (up to 1000 words): September 30, 2017.*

Extract from the CfP:

„This stream welcomes submissions that recode the concept of resilience away from survival within the present organisation of work and economic life, towards the development of alternatives ‘in, against and beyond’ capitalism. In critical management studies, resilience is associated with resistance within organizations and how working place resistance relates to other spheres in civil society (Spicer and Böhm 2007). Social movement organizations’ role is regarded as the ‘sites’ for the creation of novel organizational subjectivities and ethical practices’ (Munro, 2014: 1127). This approach demands to ‘reposition organization theory’ towards an anti-hegemonic approach (Böhm 2006: 104) that links critical organization studies with developments in anti-capitalist movements towards the renewal of organization studies (Reedy, 2014: 652) in the direction of utopia (on this see Parker –ed. 2002).“

You can find the full CfP as well as the other streams of the conference at the conference website:

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