Governmentality, Power and Organisation – Special Issue

Im Journal „Management and Organizational History“ ist ein Special Issue zur Thematik „Governmentality, Power and Organisation“ mit den folgenden Beiträgen – hier mit der Verlinkung zu den Abstracts – erschienen:

Governmentality, power and organization
Alan McKinlay, Chris Carter, and Eric Pezet
Management & Organizational History 2012;7 3-15
From order to organization: The origins of the division of labour in French accounting manuals
Pierre Labardin
Management & Organizational History 2012;7 17-29
Duelling with dualisms: Descartes, Foucault and the history of organizational limits
Nick Butler and Stephen Dunne
Management & Organizational History 2012;7 31-44
‘All they lose is the scream’: Foucault, Ford and mass production
Alan McKinlay and James Wilson
Management & Organizational History 2012;7 45-60
Pacifying the social: Creating the French citizen worker, 1968–1975
Eric Pezet
Management & Organizational History 2012;7 61-71

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